Facebook has always been known for its social networking capabilities, but lately it’s come under fire for other reasons. One of these reasons is the fact that Facebook keeps videos online even if users want to delete them. This has led to some users feeling uncomfortable and like their privacy is being invaded. Facebook has defended its decision by saying that videos are a way to keep people connected to the site. However, some people feel that this connection is too strong and that they don’t have a choice in the matter. Facebook does give users the option to share videos with specific friends only, but this still leaves them feeling like their privacy is being invaded. It’s clear that Facebook has a lot of work to do if it wants to regain the trust of its users. By keeping videos online even after they’re deleted, Facebook is making it difficult for people to feel comfortable using the site. If Facebook can find a way to make deleting videos more user-friendly, it may be able to regain some of its lost trust ..