Facebook is a social networking site that allows users to share photos, updates, and thoughts with friends. When you sign up for Facebook, you are given a Facebook account. You can use this account to post updates, photos, and thoughts about your life. However, if you delete your Facebook account, your friends may not be able to see all of the updates that you have made. Additionally, if you make changes to your Facebook account after signing up for it, those changes may not take effect until after you sign out of the site.

title: “Why Can’T I Delete My Facebook Account?” ShowToc: true date: “2022-11-28” author: “Gina Marcum”

Facebook is a social networking site that allows users to share photos, updates, and thoughts with friends. When you sign up for Facebook, you are given a Facebook account. You can use this account to post updates, photos, and thoughts about your life. However, if you delete your Facebook account, your friends may not be able to see all of the updates that you have made. Additionally, if you make changes to your Facebook account after signing up for it, those changes may not take effect until after you sign out of the site.