Fallout 4 is a game that encourages players to explore the world and find new settlements. One of the best ways to do this is by farming copper. This metal is essential for many crafting recipes, so it’s important to find the best places to farm it. There are a few different places in Fallout 4 where copper can be found. The first place is in the Commonwealth, near Vault 111. This location has plenty of ore deposits, so it’s a good place to start if you want to get a lot of copper quickly. Another good place to farm copper is in the ruins of Boston Common. This location has plenty of rubble and broken objects that can be used as cover for mining ore deposits. You’ll also find several small pools of water here that can be used for irrigation purposes. If you want to find more copper than either of these locations can offer, then you should head out into the Wasteland. This area contains many abandoned settlements, which means there are likely plenty of ore deposits hidden away somewhere. You’ll also need to be careful not to run into any hostile creatures while you’re out there, as they will attack anyone who trespasses on their territory. ..