The sun was setting behind the mountains, painting the sky in a deep red and orange. The air was warm and humid, a perfect mixture for farming. The farmers were out on their land, tending to their crops and animals. One farmer, named John, was working on his farm. He had been doing this for years, and he knew how to farm. He had a large field that he could use to grow crops and animals. He also had a small house on the side of the farm that he used as his home. John’s wife, Jane, was also working on her farm. She had a small house too, but she used it as her home when she wasn’t farming. Jane was a good wife to John, and she always helped him with his work on the farm. The other farmers around John’s field were also working on their farms. They were all trying to get as much food onto their tables as possible so they could survive winter. They were all happy to have food in their stomachs so they could eat during the winter months. As night began to fall, the farmers around John’s field started to retire for the night. They all knew that it would be another long day of work tomorrow!