Nintendo has a system in place where you can create an “identity” for yourself. This is your personal name, email address, and other identifying information that you use to play the company’s games and services. If you ever lose your Nintendo Network ID or forget your password, you can easily reset it by going to the Nintendo website and clicking on the “reset” link. But what if you delete your Nintendo Network ID? That’s right, if you delete your Nintendo Network ID, all of your data and information associated with that account will be gone forever. You won’t be able to access your account settings, play any of the games or services that are associated with that account, or even access any of the data stored on Nintendo’s servers about those accounts. In other words, if you delete your Nintendo Network ID, all of your data and information about yourself will be lost forever. So what do you do if you delete your Nintendo Network ID? Well, there are a few options available to you depending on how important this data is to you. If deletion is just a casual inconvenience for you and doesn’t affect how much fun or gaming fun you enjoy playing games online or using services like Wii U Online Services (Wii U), then deleting yourNintendoNetworkIDprobably isn’t something that needs to be taken seriously. In this case, just go ahead and delete it without thinking too much about it - it’ll probably just take a few minutes for everything to go back to normal. But if deletion really matters to you - especially if deletion could potentially affect how much fun or gaming funyou can have online - then there are some things thatyoucan do in order to keep track of and protect yourNintendoNetworkID. Option 1: Keep Your Nintendo Network ID Updated One option that many people choose when they lose theirNintendoNetworkIDisto keep theirNintendoNetworkIDupdated. This means that every time they update their computer or device (like a