Telegram is a messaging app with over 200 million users. It was once one of the most popular apps in the world, but its popularity has recently been waning. The app has been uninstalled by many people in recent weeks, and it’s not clear why. There are several possible reasons:
- The app is not working properly. Some people have reported that their Telegram accounts are not working after they uninstall the app. This could be because of a bug or a problem with the app itself, but it’s also possible that someone just didn’t want to use it anymore.
- The app is being used for something else instead. Some people have been using Telegram for other purposes, such as communicating with friends or sharing photos and videos. If the app is no longer being used for these things, then it might be removed because it’s no longer supported by the company.
- The company is changing its policy. In some cases, Telegram has changed its policy without warning users. For example, it has started to require users to sign up for an account before they can use the messaging service again. This could be a sign that the company is feeling pressure to make more money from its user base and remove less popular apps in order to do so.