There are many things to love about playing the game Stellaris. The variety of choices and options available, the sense of accomplishment when you achieve great feats, and the community that exists around it all make it one of the most fun games out there. But there are also some ethics to consider when playing Stellaris. Here are ten of the most fun ethical decisions you can make in the game:

  1. Don’t Kill Your Enemies One of the key aspects of Stellaris is that you can choose to ally or fight against your enemies. If you choose to fight them, you may be risking your life and/or those of your allies. It’s important to remember that war is a deadly business, and sometimes innocent people get hurt in it. If you’re able to avoid fighting your enemies, that’s a great thing – but always be aware of what kind of decision you’re making and how it could affect others.
  2. Don’t Rape or Torture Your Victims Rape is a heinous act, and it’s something that should never be done in any situation – even if it’s for entertainment purposes. It’s also important not to torture your victims – especially if they don’t have any choice in the matter. This can lead to serious psychological damage, and it should never be tolerated in any game setting.
  3. Don’t Kill Animals or Harm Their Habitat Harmful actions like killing animals or harming their habitat can have serious consequences for them and for their populations as a whole. It’s important not to do anything that could lead to such an outcome – even if it means taking away their food source or leaving them vulnerable to attack from other animals or humans.