Welcome to the Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds AI Mode Guide! This guide is for those who want to AFK farm in the game. This guide will show you where to AFK farm and how to do it the best. First, you will need to create a character and choose a world. In this guide, I will be using World 1 as an example. Next, you will need to find a place where there are no other players and set up your farm. You can find these places by looking for signs that say “No one is here.” Once you have found your spot, set up your farm according to what I have shown in this guide. The first thing you need to do is find some crops and trees. You can find crops by looking for green plants with a number next to them. You can also find trees by looking for tall trees with leaves that are green. Once you have found all of your crops and trees, set them up in a way that makes farming easy for you. For example, if you have a lot of land, put them all in one place so that it is easy for you to get food from them. If you only have a few acres of land, put them in different areas so that it is easy for you to get food from them. Now that your farm is setup, it is time to AFK! When playing Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds AI Mode, there are many things that can keep you busy while farming: monsters (which can be killed with any weapon), quests (which can be completed by talking to people or finding items), or world events (which can be completed by killing certain bosses). However, when AFK farming, the most important thing is not doing anything else but farming! If everything else in your world has stopped working or if there are too many monsters around, thenAFK farming will become very difficult!