There are many different types of weapons in Dark Souls 3, and each one has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the more popular choices include the Great Sword, the Crossbow, and the Mace. The Great Sword is a great choice for anyone looking to take on tougher enemies. It has high damage potential and can easily kill most enemies in one hit. However, it is not as fast as some other weapons, so it may not be ideal for quick kills. The Crossbow is a great choice for those looking to take down multiple enemies at once. It has high damage potential and can easily kill most enemies in one hit. However, it is not as fast as some other weapons, so it may not be ideal for quick kills. The Mace is a good choice for those looking to take down smaller enemies quickly. It has low damage potential but can easily kill most enemies in one hit if used correctly. However, it is not as fast as some other weapons, so it may not be ideal for quick kills or fighting against multiple opponents at once.