If you’re like most people, you probably use a Chromebook as your primary device for school and work. But if you want to transfer files from your Chromebook to an iPhone, there are a few things you need to know. First, make sure that your Chromebook is connected to the internet. If it isn’t, it may not be able to access the files that you need to transfer. Second, make sure that your iPhone is connected to the same network as your Chromebook. Third, open up Finder on your iPhone and navigate to the folder where you keep all of your files. In this folder, find the file called “files.” Copy this file over onto your Chromebook so that it’s in the same directory as “files.” Finally, open up Finder on your Chromebook and navigate to the folder where you keep all of your files again. Paste the copied file into this folder. Now that everything is set up correctly, transferring files between devices should be a breeze!