Instagram is a great platform for sharing photos and videos with friends and family, but it can also be used to share spam comments. If you’re seeing too many spam comments on your Instagram posts, there are a few things you can do to stop them. First, make sure that your account is set up properly. Make sure that your profile is set up correctly and that you have the right permissions to use the account. You may also need to verify your account if you haven’t done so already. Second, be aware of the types of comments that are likely to be spam. Comments that are asking for money or links are likely to be spam, as are comments that are just trying to get attention from you or from other users on the platform. If you see a comment like this, don’t respond to it – just delete it! Finally, be careful about how much time you spend on Instagram. Spam comments tend to come in waves – they will start appearing after a particularly popular post has been made, and will gradually decrease in frequency over time. If you find yourself spending more time deleting spam comments than responding to them, try limiting how often you post new content on Instagram and see if that helps reduce the number of spam comments overall. ..