If you’re looking to split an image for Instagram, Photoshop is a great tool to use. With Photoshop, you can easily create splits that are both visually appealing and easy to follow. Here’s how:

  1. Begin by creating a new document in Photoshop. Name the document Split Image and click on the OK button to create it.
  2. Next, open the Image Editor and select the option of rectangular marquee selection ( ). This will allow you to select all of the images in your document without having to worry about selecting individual images individually.
  3. Once you’ve selected all of the images, press Ctrl+A ( ) and then Ctrl+C ( ) to copy all of them into your new Split Image document. You can then press F5 ( ) to close the Image Editor and save your work as a file named SplitImage.psd.
  4. Now that you have a Split Image document created, it’s time to start splitting it into different parts! To split an image into different parts, first select one of the images in your document and then press Ctrl+F5 ( ). This will open up a dialog box that will allow you to split the image into different parts based on its size or shape. For example, if you want to split an image into two parts, first select one of the images and then press Ctrl+F5 ( ). Then, use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move each part around until it looks like it’ssplit in two pieces - for example, if you want part A to be smaller than part B. Once everything isSplit in this way, press F5 ( ) again to close both dialog boxes and save your work as SplitImage2.psd.