If you’re following Instagram, you’re likely aware of the feature called “Deleted Comments.” This is a way for users to leave comments on posts that have been deleted by the account holder. The idea behind deleted comments is simple: users want to share their thoughts on a post, but they don’t want their comments to be included in the post’s final version. To avoid having their comments appear in the final version of a post, you need to use deleted comments sparingly. Here are four tips for using deleted comments on Instagram:

  1. Make sure your comment is clear and concise. Don’t include too much information or else it’ll be difficult to understand what you’re saying.
  2. Use common sense when commenting. Don’t attack other users or make personal attacks. Just let your thoughts be known and hope that someone will take note of it.
  3. Be sure to follow the account holder’s guidelines when commenting on posts. If they’ve removed certain types of content from their account, make sure to follow their instructions carefully so that your comment doesn’t get removed altogether.
  4. Be patient when commenting on posts that have been deleted by the account holder. They may take some time to respond, so be prepared for a wait!