If you have an email account on the Play Store, it’s likely that you’ve received an email notification about a new update to the store. If you haven’t received an email notification about a new update to the store in a while, it’s likely that your account has been deleted. To remove your email account from the Play Store, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Play Store app and sign in with your Google Account.
  2. Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen and select “Manage Accounts.”
  3. In the Accounts section, click on “Add Account.”
  4. In the Add Account dialog, enter your name and password for your email account. If you’re using a different name or password for your email account than what’s shown in this dialog, make sure to change them before clicking on “Add Account.”
  5. Click on “Create Account.” Your new email account will be created and added to your list of accounts in Manage Accounts.