If you’re like most freelancers, you probably have a few credit cards lying around that you use for small expenses. But what if you need to get rid of one of those cards? Here’s how to do it without causing any drama. The first step is to figure out which card you want to remove. If it’s a high-interest card, like a credit card with a high APR, then you’ll want to try to pay off the balance as soon as possible. Otherwise, you may end up paying interest and fees on the balance for months or even years. Once you know which card it is, the next step is to find out how to remove it from your account. Most banks and credit unions allow customers to remove cards online or over the phone. You may also be able to do this through your bank’s customer service department. Once the card has been removed, make sure that you don’t accidentally use it again. If you do, then your bank or credit union will likely charge you fees for removing the card and for re-adding it later on. ..