If you’re like most people, you probably use Yahoo as your primary online presence. But if you’ve lost your account or if it’s been hacked, there are a few steps you can take to regain access. First, check to see if your account is still active and accessible. If not, create a new one and password protect it. If your account is still active but has been hacked or lost, follow these steps:
- Log in to your account and click on the “Yahoo” icon at the top of the main screen. This will take you to a page where you can sign in with your old username and password.
- Click on the “reset password” link at the bottom of this page. This will ask for your old password and will also create a new password for you. You can keep this new password safe by saving it in a safe place or by encrypting it with a strong encryption algorithm.
- Click on the “reset account” button at the bottom of this page. This will ask for your old email address and Password and will also create a new email address for you. You can keep this new email address safe by saving it in a safe place or by encrypting it with a strong encryption algorithm.
- Click on the “create an account” button at the top of this page and enter in your new email address and Password. You’ll be asked to confirm these details before clicking on the “create account” button.