Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites on the internet. It has over 2 billion active users, and it’s estimated that over 50% of Americans are on Facebook. But like anything else, Facebook can be addictive. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the posts and notifications, or if you just don’t have time for it anymore, here are five tips to help you quit Facebook:

  1. Set a Deadline If you want to quit Facebook, set a deadline for yourself. Make a commitment to yourself that you will quit in x amount of days, weeks, or months. This will help motivate you to stick to your plan.
  2. Create a Plan Before quitting Facebook, create a plan for how you will spend your time without it. This will help ease the transition into being without Facebook. Some ideas include reading books instead of scrolling through your newsfeed all day long, going for walks instead of checking Instagram every five minutes, or even making new friends online!
  3. Get Organized One of the biggest challenges when quitting any habit is getting organized and setting boundaries around your time spent on social media. Once you have created a plan and timeline for quitting Facebook, start organizing your time by grouping different activities into specific times slots throughout the day so that there is less temptation to check social media during these times. For example: mornings are for breakfast and work/school related tasks; afternoons are for leisure activities like watching TV or taking walks; evenings are reserved for family time; and nights are reserved for sleeping/resting! This way, there is always something scheduled during designated “social media free” times!
  4. Set Limits on Social Media Use Another challenge when trying to quit any habit is setting limits on how much social media use is allowed each day/week/month etc.. Once you have created your plan and timeline for quitting Facebook, start ..