Instagram is a great way to share photos with friends and family, but it can also be a fun way to share your creative side. If you want to make slime, Instagram is the perfect platform for doing so. Here are some tips on how to make slime on Instagram:

  1. Choose the right materials. You will need some type of glue, food coloring, and water. Some popular glues include E6000 and Elmer’s Glue-All. Be sure to read the instructions that come with your glue before using it, as different brands have different instructions.
  2. Start by mixing together the glue and food coloring in a bowl or container. Add enough water so that the mixture is thick but not too sticky.
  3. Take small pieces of plastic wrap and cover one end of each piece of candy (or other object) that you will be using for slime production. This will help prevent the candy from sticking to your hands or other surfaces while you are making slime!
  4. Apply pressure to one end of each piece of candy (or other object) with your fingers, then slowly add the glue mixture until it is fully covered. Be sure not to over-glue anything! Once everything has been glued together, use a chopstick or another thin object to pop any air bubbles that may have formed in the slime mixture. ..