In Counter:Side, limiting break units is a big part of strategy. Units with high break values can quickly turn the tide of battle, so it’s important to make sure you use them wisely. Here are four tips for limiting break units in Counter:Side.

  1. Use Your Enemy’s Break Values Against Them One of the best ways to limit break units is to use your enemy’s break values against them. If they have a unit with a high break value, try to take it out before it can do too much damage. Similarly, if you have a unit with low break value, try to avoid taking damage from high-break units.
  2. Use Area Attacks and Trap Units Another way to limit the impact of high-break units is to use area attacks and trap units. These types of attacks can take out multiple enemies at once, reducing their effectiveness in battle. Additionally, trap units can immobilize or disable enemy units for a short period of time, preventing them from breaking through your defenses easily.
  3. Use Support Characters and Special Abilities wisely Support characters and special abilities offer another way to limit the impact of high-break units in Counter:Side. These characters can provide buffs or debuffs that reduce the effectiveness of enemy units or help you survive longer in battle. Make sure to use these abilities strategically so they don’t become liabilities instead of assets on the battlefield! ..