Karaoke is a great way to have some fun with friends and family. But if you’re new to the game, it can be a bit daunting to get started. Here are some tips on how to karaoke on TikTok:

  1. Choose the right song. There’s no one right way to karaoke, so feel free to experiment! But make sure you choose a song that you know well enough that you can sing along with without having to look at the lyrics.
  2. Get your microphone ready. If you’re using a phone mic, make sure it’s plugged in and ready to go. And if you’re using an external microphone, make sure it’s connected and turned on.
  3. Get into character! When you start singing, don’t hold back – let your emotions flow! And don’t be afraid to ham it up – after all, this is supposed to be fun!
  4. Have fun! Karaoke is all about having fun – so have as much fun as possible while you’re singing! ..