Instagram is a great platform to share photos and videos with friends and family. However, there are some ways to hide messages from your followers without them knowing. Here are four tips:
- Hide posts with hashtags: When you post a photo or video on Instagram, hashtag it using the # symbol. This will help people find your post more easily.
- Hide posts with specific hashtags: If you want to hide a message from your followers, use specific hashtags. For example, if you want to keep your followers updated on a new product launch, hashtag #launch!
- Hide posts with personal information: If you want to keep your followers informed about your personal life, hide posts with personal information such as your name or email address. This will help protect your privacy and keep people from finding out about sensitive information that they may not want to know about!
- Use an app like Hootsuite: Another great way to hide messages on Instagram is through an app like Hootsuite. With Hootsuite, you can easily create custom profiles for each of your followers so that they can’t see all of the messages that you’ve sent them in one place!