Instagram is a popular social media platform where users can share photos and videos. One of the features of Instagram is the ability to follow other users. However, if you want to hide your followers list on Instagram, there are a few ways to do so. The first way to hide your followers list on Instagram is to go to your account settings and select “Privacy.” Under “Who can see my posts?” you can choose “Only Me.” This will hide your followers list from everyone but you. Another way to hide your followers list on Instagram is to use a secret account. If you create a secret account, only you will be able to see the posts from that account. You can also use a secret account if you want to keep some of your posts private. For example, if you are posting about a product that you are selling, you might want to keep some of the posts private so that people who don’t follow you won’t know that it’s an advertisement. If either of these methods doesn’t work for whatever reason, then there is always the option of deleting all of your posts and starting over. This will erase all of your past posts and followers will be hidden forever. ..