Instagram is a great way to share photos and videos with friends and family, but it can be frustrating when your friends and family don’t have time to check out your posts right away. If you want to give them the option to “unread” your posts, here are some tips. First, make sure that you are using the right hashtags. Hashtags are important on Instagram because they help people find your posts more easily. If you aren’t using any hashtags, your posts will likely go unnoticed by most of your followers. Second, make sure that your images are high quality. Poorly-made images will likely not be seen as favorably by anyone who does decide to “unread” your post. Make sure that you take the time to properly photograph and edit your images before posting them on Instagram. Finally, make sure that you are providing valuable content for followers to read. Unread posts tend to get less engagement than regular posts, so it is important that you provide interesting and useful information for people who do decide to follow you on Instagram. ..