If you’re looking to add a little spice to your life in CK3, there’s no need to go far. Concubines are available for the taking, and all you need is a bit of money and some persuasion. Here are five tips on how to get one:

  1. Be Wealthy Concubines aren’t cheap, and they’re not easy to come by. If you want one, you’ll need to be able to afford her fees upfront. Not only that, but you’ll also need enough money to keep her happy and well-fed. A concubine who is unhappy will not provide the level of service that you desire, so it’s important that you invest in a quality concubine if you want the best results.
  2. Make an Offer She Can’t Refuse When making an offer for a concubine, be sure that it’s something that she can’t refuse. Concubines are often sought after by wealthy men who can afford their high fees, so don’t make your offer too low or she may decline it outright. Make your offer sound like something she couldn’t turn down – something luxurious and exciting that she won’t be able to resist.
  3. Be Persistent Don’t give up on getting a concubine after making an initial offer – persistence is key when trying to attract a concubine’s attention. Send her flowers or gifts regularly (especially if money is involved) in order to show your appreciation for her time and services. If she seems interested in your proposal, take things from there! ..