If you’re looking to form Italy in Victoria, there are a few things you’ll need to know. First, the country is divided into provinces. Each province is divided into municipalities, and each municipality is divided into villages. Finally, each village is divided into small communities. To form a new province in Victoria, you’ll need to create a new municipality within the existing province. To create a new village in Victoria, you’ll need to create a new community within the existing village. There are two ways to form a new province in Victoria: by referendum and by vote of the people. If you want to form a new province by referendum, you’ll need to gather signatures from at least 50% of the residents of your proposed province. If you want to form a new village by referendum, you’ll need to gather signatures from at least 75% of the residents of your proposed village. Once you’ve gathered signatures from enough residents in your proposed province or village, you’ll need to hold an election for the provincial or village government. The election will be held on an open-ended basis and will be held on an annual basis. You can also hold elections for municipal government if your proposed municipality doesn’t have an elected government already. Once the election has been held and your provincial or village government has been formed, it will be necessary for them to pass legislation setting out their policies and procedures. This legislation will also outline how they plan on running their Province or Village as well as how they plan on funding their operations. Once this legislation has been passed, it will be sent back down to the provincial or village government for ratification before becoming law.