Fallout 4 is a game that encourages players to use their environment to their advantage. One way to do this is to farm plastic. Plastic is an important resource in Fallout 4, and it’s easy to get your hands on. You can find it in the form of bottles and cans, as well as pieces of furniture and other objects. To farm plastic, you first need to find a source of plastic. This can be found in the form of trash piles or abandoned settlements. Once you have found a source of plastic, you need to collect it. You can do this by picking up the pieces with your hands or using a weapon that deals damage to objects, such as a pipe bomb or power fist. Once you have collected enough plastic, you can use it to create items in Fallout 4. This includes weapons and armor, as well as food and drink containers. You can also use it to create structures, such as walls and floors. ..