Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos. The app has a built-in microphone that can be used to capture audio and video content. To enable microphone access on Instagram, you must first create an account and set up your account settings. After setting up your account, you can find the microphone icon in the top right corner of your screen. Once you have found the microphone icon, click on it to open the mic settings. In the mic settings, you will need to set up how you want your Instagram account to use the microphone. You can either allow all users access to the microphone or only allow certain users access to the microphone. You can also choose how long each user has access to the microphone before they have to turn it off. If you are only allowing certain users access to the microphone for a short period of time, then they will need to turn off their account after using it for that short period of time. If you are allowing all users access to the microphone for a long period of time, then they will need to turn off their account after using it for that long period of time. After setting up your mic settings, save them and close Instagram so that they are not active anymore. Next, open Instagram again and try using the mic again!