If you’re like most people, you probably use Instagram and Tinder to keep in touch with friends and romantic partners. But if you want to stop seeing someone on Instagram or Tinder, there are a few steps you can take to do so. First, make sure that your phone is connected to the internet and that your account is set up for notifications. If you don’t have notifications set up, then it’s likely that someone has blocked your account. Second, open up the app and sign in with your Instagram or Tinder account. If you’re using an iPhone, then open the app and sign in with your Apple ID. If you’re using an Android device, then open the app and sign in with your Google ID. Third, if you’ve been seeing someone on Instagram or Tinder but haven’t had a chance to talk to them yet, it’s time to start messaging them! To do this, go into their profile and type “message” into the text field. Then hit send!