YouTube is a great platform for sharing your creative content with the world. However, if you’re not careful, you can lose your account and all of your videos. Here are some tips to help you delete your YouTube account in 2019:

  1. Log into YouTube and click on the “Accounts” tab.
  2. Scroll down and click on the “Deactivate Account” button.
  3. Type in your desired email address and password and click on the “Activate Account” button.
  4. Click on the “Create New Account” button to create a new YouTube account.
  5. Enter your desired name and password for your new YouTube account and click on the “Create Account” button again to finish creating your new account.
  6. Click on the “Sign In” link at the top of the screen to log into your new YouTube account.
  7. Click on the “History” tab to view all of your past videos that were uploaded to YouTube since you became a member of Google+.