If you’re a YouTube user, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of the Delete YouTube Account and Keep Gmail trick. This is a way to keep your YouTube account active even if you lose your Google account. The first step is to create a new Google account. Once you’ve created an account, go to your settings and click on the “accounts” tab. Under “accounts,” click on the “delete my account” button. Once you’ve deleted your old Google account, create a new one with the same name and password. Once you’ve done this, go back to your settings and click on the “accounts” tab again. Under “accounts,” click on the “add new account” button. Enter in your new Google account’s name and password (you’ll need them both if you’re deleting your old Gmail). Click on the “add new account” button again and confirm your addition by clicking on the “save.” Now that you have two accounts with different passwords, it’s time to delete one of them! To delete your old Gmail account, go to Settings > Accounts > Add Account > New Account and enter in Gmail as the email address for the new Google account. Click on the “delete” button at the bottom of this screen.