If you have an email address, you probably want to keep it. But if you don’t, deleting it can be a helpful way to clean up your inbox and get rid of any old messages that may have been missed. To delete an email address from your Mac, open the Finder and click on the Edit button in the top left corner. Then select the Email Address field in the resulting window. In the text field, type in a new name for your email address (e.g., john@example.com), and click on the Delete button. If you forget your email address or if you ever change your mind about keeping it, you can easily retrieve it by opening Finder and clicking on the Menu button at the top right corner of the screen. Then select Accounts & Preferences and click on Mail & Email Address in the resulting list. There, you will see a list of all of your current email addresses (including those that are associated with accounts other than Macs). Click on one of these addresses to bring up a dialog box where you can enter a new email address or retrieve an old one from memory.