If you’re like most people, you have an inbox full of email. But if you’re like me, it’s a mess. I’m not sure how I ever managed without an inbox. It’s probably because I’m a control freak and I always have to be in control of everything. But if you’re like me and your inbox is a mess, there are some ways to clean it out so that your email is more organized and manageable.

  1. Sort your emails by subject or by date. This will help you see which emails are important and which ones can be ignored.
  2. Delete any emails that don’t need to be sent anymore or that are no longer relevant to your work or life. This includes any spam emails or messages from people you don’t want to talk to anymore.
  3. Filter out any Emails from People You Don’t Want To Talk To Anymore. This includes anyone who has sent you spam or messages that aren’t relevant to your work or life.
  4. Delete any Emails That Are No Longer Necessary For Your Work Or Life. This includes any unimportant emails from people who haven’t sent you anything in a while and any messages from people who are no longer interested in talking to you (unless they’re sendingyou spam).