If you’re wondering if someone saved your Instagram picture, there are a few ways to check. The first way is to open up Instagram and go to your profile page. Under the “Photos” tab, you’ll see a list of all the pictures that have been shared on your account so far. Scroll down until you see the picture that you’re looking for, and then click on it. If it’s been saved as a photo album or story, you’ll see a “Saved” button next to it. Click on that button to view the picture’s details and see who saved it. If you don’t see the “Saved” button next to the picture, but instead see a “Share” button, that means someone else shared the picture without saving it first. In this case, you can still view and share the picture normally, but be sure to give credit where credit is due - usually to whoever originally shared it on Instagram. Finally, if you can’t find either of those buttons and just want to view the picture without saving or sharing it right away, just tap on the image itself. This will open up Instagram in full-screen mode so that you can more easily view the image without any distractions. ..