There are a few ways to change your country region on Instagram. You can use the “Country Region” setting in the “Instagram Settings” section of your account, or you can use the “Change Country Region” button in the top right corner of every post. If you use the “Country Region” setting, you’ll need to select a country from the list. Then, you’ll need to set up some basic information about that country, such as its name and population. You can also set up some filters and effects to make your photos look more like those from that specific country. If you use the “Change Country Region” button, you’ll need to provide some additional information about your account and your desired country region. You’ll also need to select a new region from the list. Then, you’ll need to set up some basic information about that region, such as its name and population. You can also set up some filters and effects to make your photos look more like those from that specific country.