If you’re like most Etsy users, you probably don’t use the site that often - but if you do, it’s probably because you love the handmade products it offers. But if you’re like many Etsy users, your account may be inactive or just not as active as it could be. If that’s the case for you, here are a few tips on how to cancel your Etsy account and stop using the site. The first step is to login to your account and click on “My Account.” On this page, under “Your Account,” click on “Cancel My Account.” You’ll be asked to confirm your decision and then your account will be cancelled. If you don’t want to cancel your account but just want to make sure it’s inactive so no new orders can be placed through it, there are a few things you can do. First, go to “My Orders” and under “Your Orders,” click on “Inactive Orders.” On this page, all of the orders that have been placed through your Etsy account but haven’t been completed yet will appear. Click on each order and then click on “Cancel Order” under the “Status” column. This will cancel the order but it won’t remove it from My Orders or from anyone’s shopping cart - so make sure you want to cancel each order before clicking on Cancel Order! If cancelling your account isn’t an option for whatever reason (maybe you need access to some of your orders or data), there are other ways to stop using Etsy. First, sign out of your account completely by going to “My Account” and clicking on “Sign Out.” This will also delete all of your data so make sure everything is backed up before doing this! Next, if you only use certain parts of Etsy (like buying products), sign out of those parts too by going to “My Account” and clicking on the links under each section (for example, under “Shop By ..