There are a few things you can do to activate your consumer cellular phone.

  1. Go to your cell phone company’s website and sign up for a service plan. This will activate your phone and give you the necessary information to use it.
  2. Call your cell phone company and ask for an activation code. This code will activate your phone and give you the necessary information to use it.
  3. Open the settings of your cell phone and find the “activation” tab. On this tab, find the “activate my account” button and click on it. This will take you to a page where you will need to provide some information about yourself, such as your name, address, etc., in order for them to activate your account with them.
  4. Once you have activated your account with one of these companies, be sure to update it by going to their website or by calling them and asking for an update on their service plan or activation code (if any).