Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to communicate with each other. When someone violates Twitter’s terms of service, the company can suspend their account. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as using offensive language or engaging in spamming. Twitter has a suspension policy that states that “a suspended account may not be used to promote or sell products or services.” In order to be reinstated, the user must provide proof of having been following their account for at least 30 days and providing an explanation for why their account was suspended. If the suspension is for breaking Twitter’s terms of service, then the user must also provide proof of being following their account for at least 6 months and providing an explanation for why their account was suspended. In order to appeal a suspension, the user must send a written request to Twitter and include evidence that they have been following their account and are complying with Twitter’s suspension policy. The company will then review the request and decide whether or not to reinstate the user.