Instagram is a social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos. The app has over 1 billion active users, making it one of the most popular platforms on the internet. However, Instagram has been known to delete inactive accounts. This raises questions about the privacy of users’ data and whether or not they have the right to keep their accounts inactive. Inactive accounts are those that have not been used for at least six months. Instagram has stated that this is a policy in order to prevent spamming and promote healthy user growth. However, some users feel that this policy is unfair because it penalizes them for not using the app. Some argue that deleting inactive accounts violates user privacy because it removes all of a user’s posts. Others argue that since inactive accounts are not being used, there is no harm done by deleting them. It is unclear which side will win in this debate, but it is important to consider the implications of Instagram’s policy before making a decision. ..