Facebook has been in the news a lot lately, with reports of data breaches and user privacy concerns. Some people are asking if they can delete their Facebook account immediately. Here’s what you need to know. First, Facebook does not actually allow users to delete their accounts immediately. Instead, users must first complete a process called “deactivation.” This involves removing all of your information and settings from Facebook, so that it can’t be used by the company or anyone else. After deactivation, you can then request that your account be deleted. However, there is one big caveat: If you have any posts or pages on Facebook that are public (meaning anyone can see them), you will have to delete them before your account can be deleted. Otherwise, those posts and pages will remain online and available to be seen by other people. So if you’re worried about privacy concerns or want to clean up your Facebook profile before deleting it for good, make sure to take care of any posts and pages that are public before deactivating your account. ..