There are a lot of ways to farm clues in the popular online role-playing game OSRS. Here are five of the most popular methods:
- Look for clues in the game’s environment. In some areas, there are hidden objects that can be found by looking around or exploring. Others, such as the dark dungeons, have puzzles that must be solved before progressing. There are also hidden chests and other objects that can be found in specific places, which can lead you to new areas with more clues.
- Use your computer’s search function to look for clues on Google or other search engines. This is especially helpful if you’re not familiar with the game’s mechanics and want to find all of the different types of clues available.
- Use social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to post about your findings and see what others think about them. This can help you build a community around your hunt for information in OSRS and make it more fun for everyone involved!
- Use Google Earth or another mapping software to help you plan out your route and look for potential landmarks along the way. This will help you avoid obstacles and get closer to your goal faster!